Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What have i been upto of late....
well. ive been incredibly busy to say the least.
Saturday night was the Stavoren Beer Party. It had a pretty interesting band with an awesome saxaphone player and a trombone player aswell.
i had a good time dancing with virpi and it was also nice to be meeting new people. at the end of the night we found ourselves in a makeshift bar in someones old chicken shed with a bunch of really awesome kids. after that party we dragged ourselves over to cees' home where a man with coke still in his nostril was lecturing me on how drugs were incredibly bad and he has never even given them anythought. needless to say. i made my excuses to leave pretty quickly. around the time i got home (5am) i soon found myself eating a giant bowl of milo covered cornflakes in my bedroom before falling asleep for the rest of the day. i would have to say that the evening was a raging sucess based on that event alone haha.
Monday Night was virpi and myself's first night at archery and man what a fucking blast!!! everyone was really lovely and they taught me how to hold it comfortably and stand properly. and i got quite a few bullseyes and even came 3rd out of 15 at the final competition. it was such a good night with lovely lovely people.
Tuesday:  was an amazing sunny day with no wind and bright blue skies. Barber and Sander were out all day and i was incharge of the school runs. so on the dreaded mumma bike i took rinse and we picked annemijn up from peuterschool and went playing in the park until wende was ready. we spedd back home for a quick lunch and then i put the younger two in the pram and wende rode to school on her scooter. there followed a two and a half hour walking marathon with both kids sleeping and me enjoying being outside :) after picking up wende and finally getting home. we watched some t.v before i raced off to joannas birthday celebrations...
Tuesday night- Joanna's birthday celebrations. even though i was ridiculously tired from the days work (see above) i was so excited to give joanna her presents. joanna and i are both huge fans of the disney movies. im so glad im not the only adult in this world that still loves those movies to death! i gave her the cutest princess throw rug for when shes relaxing on the lounge and i also gave her princess oven mits and an apron. she loved them so much she wore them all night haha.
job well done i think...

whats coming up this week:
Wednesday night.... SLEEEEEEEEP. something i havent been getting enough of.
Thursday- skyping with dad, mum and nederlands les. yayy. i have to give a 5minute speech in dutch. i wrote it all myself which im pretty proud of :D
Thursday night: barber and sander are in maastricht so its just nienke and i with four lovely kiddies. i love it when she and her son come to stay. such a great family. i was supposed to go to yoga in town tonight but ill skip that and just do something on my own. good old internet haha.
Saturday morning: TRAIN TO BERLIN TO BEGIN MY CONTIKI!!!!!!!
 im not excited at all. look out: Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Bratislava and Budapest. and if im lucky LONDON :) which reminds me. i should book my return flights haha.

Virpi's new year concert :)
what a lovely afternoon out. mike and i first drove to sneek and induldged in some disguting maccas food and milkshakes before we heaeded for the theatre to see virpi perform. she played excellently. so did the whole orchestra. i especially loved the Lord of the Rings peice they played and of course the old favourite 'The Nutcracker' :)

cant wait to see her perform again.