Wednesday, May 4, 2011

day 7: Vienna

im going to write about my experiences here a little differently because of all the places i visited on this trip, Vienna was unfortunately the one that dissapointed me the most. through no fault of the city's own but more on my own part of being travel weary and very, very cold.
The thing i liked most about Vienna was the not so touristy attractions. Such as the beautiful iceskating rink infront of the Rathaus, getting lost in the tumble of bookshops searching for a book about travelling the world for free, the dissapointing Motzart museum which led to the discovery of a fantastic fancy dress shop and ofcourse the ridiculous costumes in the opera/concerto/ballet in the Schonbruun palace.

 Skating infront of the Rathuas; The view from Motzart's old drawing room; Motzarts Death Mask and me at the opera in the Schobruun Palace.

I loved the gothic architecture and the strangely juxtposed greek eqscue temples that housed works of arts and parlimentary buildings.

Austrian Parliment house with Athena the goddess of wisdom decked out in war armous representing wisdom and peace before war and St. Stephens cathedral in the city centre. a very macarbe sight amongst the modern district but truly beautiful!

I was fascinated by the roman ruins found just outside the spanish riding school building on the Michaelerplatz and the knowledge that once upon a time. The vienese monarchy ruled most of what we know europe to be today.

 Roman ruins :)

I had a giant problem with the hospitality staff here. And on many occasion was so astonished at their rudeness that after a scathing gaze and cheeky word i left in a bewildered state of rage. I remember the kindness of a taxi driver who tried to practise his english and was so greatful for his ten euro tip. he looked like he needed it. even if it was only to rot himself with cigarrettes. I remember going off into one of my melancholoy periods of doubt and going my own way about the town wondering what the hell i was doing in europe anyway and how was i going to live through the winter and have money to travel etc etc. fortunately i didnt have any paper on me at that point. so my silly overthinking was not recorded for the waste of a tree.

i enjoyed going out on our last night as a group and saying goodbye to some of my most cherished new friends. I was so sad the my canadian buddy Tim was leaving for London that i didnt know what i would do without his brilliant wit and startlingly deep intellegence.

We ran around looking for a decent dance floor but could only find scary Russians and smoke infested pubs which closed to early. It was also on this night that stacey and i found ourselves with an extra roomie because one of the boys was finally cashing in on their aussie charms and needing their room to celebrate. I disliked the lack of atm's in Vienna and my lack of attention to look hard enough for them and I was so dissapointed that I did not get to see the fantastic Schoburun palace gardens and zoo. But it was winter and im defintely going to put Vienna on my return to list, only this time in the spring!

 The Schonbruun Palace at night...