Tuesday, August 16, 2011

the first afternoon of sun we have had in this dreary dreary dreary weather Sander gave Mike and evening off from work to treat me to a romantic evening... it was really only that the resturaunt was quiet and he wanted a better way to say we dont need to loose money by paying you tonight... moving on.
Sander however must have also told Barber about his little romantic evening suggestion/joke and so from two different people i heard that my lovely boyfriend was going to treat me to a romantic night out on his night off from work. WELL. i was so happy i practically raced my bike to mikes house telling everyone on the way that i was going to be treated to a romantic night out... we can all see where this is going so ill just come out and say the poor bugger had no idea about any of this romanticness and was very stunned at my request to 'please be whisked away now'.
But do not fear loved ones and possible random strangers reading this blog- Mike saved the day by taking me to the beach and giving me a burger. Just the right amount of romance for me :) Here are some photos of the lovey doveyness that went on... and no it wasnt actually lovey dovey. dont vomit yet.  it was really just us a beach and a play park!
This is me fooling around in the drive through at Maccasssssssssssss
Mike trying to hide from the camera...

The view :) i told you it was romantic!!!!

We are a raggady bunch... but he is secretly amazing :)