Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mike and I escaped to the bos together on a rare day we both had free from work. It made me so happy to be with him and out of the house and rain that i just couldnt stop smiling.
the sun eventually came out and i felt like the young emily who would disappear on a sunny winter's day taking photos of anything and everything. 

i couldnt stop laughing while catching my little froggy friend, which we later came to know was a toad. bleugh.

 Le toad...

and i had dozen of butterflies and dragonflies having a nice rest on my head and nose. What can i say, i attract bugs :) And we were also informed by a very helpful lady that we were in fact standing in one of the only patches of meat eating plants in the netherlands. dont panic like mike did... ok it was me that panicked. but only because i thought she would get cross.

crouching- about to fall on his butt and the have his hair eaten by a naughty goat- and the flesh eating plants. Cute huh.

it however turns out that the plants are a) too small to devour anything other than baby dragonflies :( and b) very abundant in the reserve. so she didnt get cross at all :)

on an irrelevant note mike also fell on his butt and then later dropped me on mine. i laughed. he did not :) hehe.