Friday, December 3, 2010

Its giving me the most horrible dreams :(
just so you all know. i miss you. i love you. but im having so much fun here.
its funny how the two feelings of happiness and homesickness can co- exist side by side.

its snowing here and the renovations have moved into the loungeroom/ kitchen. so playing with rinse isnt so easy. i have to keep him in his baby play cot for most of the day.
im about to go and pick up wende and annemijn from school.
this is the only thing i hate about living here. is that we are so close to town yet so far that picking up the girls (whose classses finish 45 mins apart- stupid i know) becomes really hard on a bike with a baby. in the snow.
Today ive decided to walk, and Barber is going to be lovely and pick us all up together and bring us home for lunch. Then its just a few hours of playing with the kids and after that im hopefully going iceskating with mike.
Tommorrow is Sinterklaas yayyy :) i cant wait. it will be a nice day out with the big family and then sunday we will have a little gathering at home and then i plan to sleep for a long time.
being sick and homesick blows haha.