Tuesday, December 7, 2010

So much happens everyday that its so hard to keep up with it on this blog haha.
here is what has been special for me in the last few days...
Talking to my brother and my dad and my mum on skype. I miss them all so much that it honestly makes my week when i chat with them :)

I really miss my life back home. It was so much more... me. haha. The morning and evening walks, hanging with friends, Just Jeans, The Movies, beach, wauchope.... MY CAR.
man i miss not being able to drive myself wherever i please. biking in the snow is not practical haha.

Another special thing this week was Sinterklaas :)
On saturday we went to Barbers parents place for a big party. We had to do a kris kringle thing and write an anonomous poem about one member of the family.
Mine was so sweet it brang tears to my eyes... almost haha.
it talked about how much everyone has come to love me and that they hope i stick around. :) quite lovely i think.
And on sunday was our family Sinterklaas, that was really sweeet. Here sinterklaas doesnt come at night. instead we all got up late. had a long breakfast and when the kids where in the bath Barber and I hid all the presents and made a treasure hunt for them :)
My haul was fantastic! i got a blond tea pot and tea spoons. Blond is a special brand hand made by two sisters in amsterdam. I also got a tea mug in similar design and a new bag. all with little windmills and dutch couples kissing. everyone jokes that its me and mike haha.

After Sinterklaas i went to mikes house to hang with them. Hessel came over and we then took the dogs to the bos :) it was so much fun, it was good to be out in the fresh air since the snow has made it pretty impossible this last week. Johnny and I threw snowballs at the back of Mikes head and we laughed when we both fell over in the snow. It was such a lovely way to spend the afternoon.
And then the cat got on the Ipad. It almost one table hockey haha, amazing fat kitty! That was a truly special moment haha.