Monday, November 8, 2010

Almere- New Amsterdam
An impromptu trip to Almere for Sander's kleding business. Despite what everyone says about how 'ugly' the city centrum is, i loved it here :)
there wasnt much culturally, but the amazing architecture, the busy streets, people rushing to and from, huge chain stores and multi million dollar advertisments.
Christmas decorations and modern Architecture.
The drive down with bakito taaaaaaaans was quite enjoyable haha. we laughed about Rinder, Jelmer and Gerrit (yeah i know you are reading this) and once again Sander and I had a mis communication with Dutch- English. Please note that the name of the 'world famous' dutch song is not 'Radar Laugh'- rather its 'Radar Love'.... gotta love phonetic alphabet- V is prounouced 'fhh'. similar to an F. And mind you its an easy mistake for anyone to make haha.

oh yeah. and the boys here just ooze sex appeal with these babies on their feet haha