Monday, November 8, 2010


This place was buzzing! despite the rain there were markets, die hard shoppers and crazy people in La Place.
I made the mistake of not looking when i crossed the lane and almost collected a thousand people on their fiets. stupid bike riders. luckily mairead pulled me back in time and all i got was a very snobby 'ting ting' on the bike bells. GAH, its so weird having to look right then left AND that bike riders have right of way haha. im so used to get cranky at them on the roads that its sometimes quite a challenge remembering its the norm here.
It was so nice to just walk and talk with Virpi and Mairead. Mostly we just gossiped about the people we knew, discussed sights to see and laughed about the differences in out cultures :)
Coming from life in Stavoren everything felt so crazy i was a little relieved when Mairead suggested we head into the church and have a look.
Id forgotten how peaceful churches are. Im not to sure about the exact history of this place, but the intricate stained glass windows and murals on the wall show it to be quite old. Its quite macarbe to wonder at all the things people have come to confess or seek answers about within the walls of that very church.
Oh to be a fly on the wall of a church, aye.
Groningen is also quintisential Dutch/ Europe.
A healthy blend of 
  • scenery and history- the picturesque streets and autumn weather meets the centuries old church.
  • Shopping- Markets meets fashion, Boutiques meet basic kleding.
  • Art and architecture- An albert hein supermarkt in one of the oldest buildings of Groningen and this guy (see below)- drawn by a stranger, for strangers- sticky taped on a random electric box.
 Yes. Life here is just bursting from everyone of the citie's orifices :)