Saturday, January 1, 2011

Den Haag- this day was living proof that i need to be more prepared with my maps and shiz before setting off on an adventure haha.

This city is quite pretty. It manages to combine old school with new tech and somehow not look all that tacky. My first part of the day was spent on trains and after arriving i quickly set off to 'Escher in het paleis'. One of my favourite artists museum in Queen Emma's old palace.
This place was amazing, contemporary art ith a backdrop of an early 18th century palace :) i was so chuffed haha.
After Escher i decided to take a walk around the town before going to the next museum on my list.
I stumbled on a beautiful council house, churches and a second hand book market! i was in heaven!


After my bit of sightseeing i headed over to the Mauritshuis. Which is the famous museum that hosts Rembrands 'Girl with a Pearl Earing'. My goodness i didnt realise that the painting itself isnt to big but she was beautiful :) The free audio guide at the entrance also provided much background and interesting points about the painting and rembrands career. The old master painting were incredibly detailed and the size of some works were simply breathtaking! The dutch certainly new how to paint. I left the museum with a longing for art class and learning id forgotten thanks to the HSC.
The Mauritshuis itself is a work of art in itself! It was picture perfect with all the snow and the frozen water infront of it :)
Now this is where my day turned a little sour- I hopped on the tram to see the Official working Palace of the Netherlands. And all was fine, i hopped off a few stops early because the hoards were unbearable and i walked the last few meters, walking on the footpath was slow and precarious as everything was ice, so i was keeping as close to the buildings as possible it was lucky however that i moved a little closer to the roads as a 60cm isicle decided to drop off at the very moment i was passing. It landed about 30cm from my right shoulder. The lady behind me only managed a scream as she though the thing would plunge through my shoulder. fat lot of help she would have been haha. After freaking out the adreneline kicked in and i was in the 'omg i  almost died so now im going to appreciate the birds singing and the wind blowing' state of mind when i arrived at the palace.
I really should have taken that isicle as an omen, for my next tram ride resulted in me falling asleep and being woken up at the end of the line by the driver, getting on the right tram only to start feeling violently ill and having to quickly get off to race to the KFC bathroom and almost throw up and then to walk briskly to the central station in the blistering cold snowy wind only to find out that my train was not going to run so i had to wait another half hour to catch another.
By this time i was in a right mood and ready to kill anyone who so much a breathed near me. But do not fear my loved ones. I arrived at schipol airport and people watched until i felt better. I also managed to be a good samaritan and first chase after a lady who dropped her credit card and then help a holidaying couple find the right train to get the to amersfort. This immeadiately brightened my day :) So all in all Den Haag was a lovely city, which i hope to visit again soon, although i wont be riding any trams or eating anything whilst there haha