Sunday, January 30, 2011

Haarlem with Mairead :)

I should have been at dutch class but instead we bummed a ride to Almere with Sander and caught the train to Haarlem for no other reason than Mairead had heard it was a nice city.
We first walked around the city and just talked. We came upon a beautiful church which we spent almost an hour inside just looking around. It had one of the biggest organs ive ever seen :) organs are my favourite part of churches.

After the church we quickly ducked over to the local contemporary museum. this was my favourite part of the day. All incredible exhibits but my favourite was one about how we dance and interact at night clubs. First was a series of portraits of select individuals and then followed films of these individuals dancing infront of a white screen. My favourite was this guy. He was really getting into it. 'crazy as a cut snake' is the best way to describe his moves haha.

After watching the exhibit we were asked to say a few words about what we had seen. the camera man was the only one who could really understand our english haha. poor interviewer.
The rest of the day was quite good. Mairead and i found an amazing Op Shop. one of the only ones in the netherlands im sure. and we also found the douwer egberts cafe. its a company that began in Joure where Mairead was staying. and we ended the day by heading to Amsterdam for dinner and a cruise through the red light district. haha.
Dinner was fantastic we went into this random italian resturaunt where they had currency from all over the world and everyone got to write a message on their coaster and stick it to the wall. ill defintely have to go back and make sure ours is still there :)

It was a wonderful night and day out, capped off by a brisk stroll through the red light district and a hearty laugh at all the prossies.