Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year! My last minutes of 2010 and my first few of 2011 were spent first in the company of Barber and her family in Hindeloopen, the lovely Peter and Marit supplied me with beer and a BBQ (god love them) and later the lovely Wortle family who supplied me with Champagne, Ollibollen and Sambucca until i thought i would surely throw up. Much to my dismay i felt so incredibly sick and drunk i rode home and crawled into bed praying the hangover would magically never appear haha.
It was strange to be so cold and wearing warm jackets as we watched the celebratory fireworks, it was even weirder to see people burning out caravans in celebration and the police pulling us over for not having lights on our bikes. Defintely an eventful evening, im only sorry i didnt get to catch up with Virpi, Beaudine and the boys. Ah well. Thats what the rest of the year is for :)
My New Years Resolution is not infact a resolution. I never manage to stick to those bloody things. Instead this year im going to take some time to focus on me. what i want. and what i think i need. 2011 is going to be a big year for me to really discover who i am at this point in my life and where i would like to be in the next couple of years :)
Love to all my family and friends. Be you near or far. May this year bring you all the happiness in the world!