Friday, February 15, 2013

oh dear!

My word- would you look at the cobwebs and layer of dust on this blog! anyone would think its been a few years since i last did any serious posting... actually no one regrets this more than I do. I look at my time here in London as one of the most defining aspects of my life and yet I have nothing recorded about all my adventures, thoughts, travels and experiences.
The sad reality is that whilst I feel I am up to the task of putting all my stories onto this blog, I know that a lot of the priceless 'little things' have probably been forgotten and are now lost forever in their respective moments. Personal jokes, Wild nights out, Blink and you miss them moments. I am a very firm believer that a good wage to gauge your life is by experiencing so many different things that you find little or no time to record them in a blog/ diary. If i am forever writing or thinking, then I'm not quite in the moment am I?
There is of course the downside that many things are forgotten within minutes of them occurring and by not writing all this down my life here remains largely a mystery to my nearest and dearest in their respective far away countries. So here goes. Tonight is the first (of no doubt many) attempt (s) at getting this blog up to speed with my helter skelter amazing life in London...
Here is a lovely photo of sunset from my very own rooftop paradise in central London. Ive included this random photo because we all know that i really dislike plain entries without any photos...