Now what do you do when life gives you two weeks of perfect weather in a notoriously bad weathered country? You sit on the open roof tourist bus and you soak up the beauty of London! So that is exactly what we did!
Check out our sun glassed selves with our free audio guide headphones in. It looks like we are driving past somewhere fancy... Buckingham palace, Green Park or somewhere in Westminster maybe? The audio guides on these things are great, some really cool tidbits discussed. That is if your headphone jacks work and you can turn the sound level up louder than the whisper of a mute monk. Haha. God Ive missed all these silly puns I used to make...
But here I am getting ahead of myself. Let me explain how i spent my first evening in London: Cass and I arrived at Mick's house after stressfully navigating the rush hour tubes and trains with our over sized backpacks only to find that Mick's house was identical to the other 4 either side of him, he had hidden his keys in an un-obvious place and before even making it to the courtyard we had been given a faulty code for his front security gate. But we managed. We got in, dumped our bags, had a drink of water and we were off into the city. Cass in the lead and a very overwhelmed and exhausted little Emily trailing behind...

Ok no matter what i do these photos will not sit upright. so deal with it. we are awesome in our sideways photos at Trafalgar sq. Thumbs up. wohoo!
First stop on Cass's introductory tour was Trafalgar Sq. The hustling bustling go to public area for tourist and local alike. I often find myself there to catch my bus home from a night out, re visit my favourite artworks in the national gallery, see a cool concert, show a friend about or spend a day at some kind of event. On this afternoon however Cass and i were content to pose for a photo and dip our hands into the cool fountain before heading on to Covent Garden...
Walking through Covent Garden was like a dream come true, all the locals rushing about from cozy pubs to evening theatre shows was just like I'd imagined life in London to be like! so you can imagine how excited i was to head into my first london pub and have myself a drink and a sit down meal. I forget the pubs name now, but I'm constantly walking past there when i am around that way. I had my first ever jug of Pimms with summer fruits (this became my signature drink in summertime) and i had myself a plate of pies for dinner! Cute little things with an array of meats, sauces, potatoes and veggies. It felt so great being there with Cass! finally in London, the city i was to make my own... i wont lie. i remember being so frigging excited an anxious all at once that i spent a large part of the holiday quietly panicking and brooding. But this night was wonderful and all thanks to Cassy's kind words of encouragement (i love you by the way). After dinner and a drink it was off back to Mick's house and into bed ready for the tourist bus as seen above^^.
In the Pub, with our Pimms in a pitcher. One of my best memories with Cass :)
(Ill continue onto the rest of my adventures in the next post. I'm afraid my computer is being a bit slow and so ill write more when i can xxx)