Friday, February 15, 2013

Then and Now... Take note

My first glimpse of Tower Bridge. At this point I never imagined I would live within walking distance of it!

I am going to do something a little different with the next post. I am having so much fun looking through all the photos that I have decided to post as many in here as possible and tell the story through them rather then recall exactly how we spent our time in London. Even though these photos aren't much to look at many are action shots. Taken from the bus. But more importantly they document my first impressions of London. These impressions that are often forgotten and changed after spending a length of time in one place, or visiting a place regularly, or understanding how this place connects into the big scheme of things.
Let me explain this in a little more in depth.... Do you remember the first time you ever saw your high school? Was it like my first time when i was on my orientation day with a large group of primary school students who would become your peers after Christmas and in the New Year? Do you remember being led around the court yards and buildings and the impressions you formed then? do you remember your first glimpses of your roll call room or art room? If you are lucky enough to remember them then please compare those first images to how you remember the buildings looking after having been at school a few years. Can you even remember those first impressions after all the changes in perception?. I imagine its hard to remember those images because you had quickly learnt your way around and now know how the school is laid out. You know for instance that the bus drop off connects you to this quad and that quad and that if you go left you reach the science rooms or the art rooms. After you have seen the school weather the four seasons you learn that the half quad near the roll calls rooms isn't a dark and damp place where all the seniors hang out, but rather it only appeared that way for a tiny fraction of a second when you happened to see it the first time. Well I never forgot my first impressions of McCarthy Catholic college. And i get a very cool sense of time when I compare my first glimpses of the school with my memories of everyday life there. And it was only when looking back through my photos of my first few days in London that I had the same feeling again... So that's why Ive decided to try this new way of writing about my adventures. I hope you like it.... xxx

My everyday view of Tower Bridge. A different angle, different life, different ideas and thoughts running through my mind. Its funny how our perception of things change with us... oooh very deep Emily haha. The night I took this was the practise run of Lizzies Jubilee/ The Olympics light show. I was reading in bed when out of the corner of my eye i noticed something a tad colourful going on outside. I thought it was the rich neighbours disco lights (he has a thing for blondes and disco- what he doesn't have is curtains haha). It took me a while of googling and photo snapping to discover the reason Tower Bridge had her sassy pants on.