- Name- Emily Rose McLeod
- Age- 20 (21 in 2months!!!)
- Appearance- Long hair, warm and fuzzie sweater for the cold... and body type would probably be 'Curvy'- after the Christmas holidays, and the home cook meals in Australia, and Italy... Greece.... All those three course meals while travelling The UK and Ireland with mum.... OKAY. We get it. Ive got a muffin top. Whatever
- Job- New employee at The Factory House in the city of London. No more holidays and slacking off for me!
- Relationship status- Chubby, Single and ready for a Pringle
- Lives- Tower Bridge, London, England, UK, Earth.
- Feels- Exhausted from a long day at work, Hungry; albeit a little guilty about skipping the gym, Amazingly positive about the future (despite feeling a bit crummy on valentines day yesterday)
What does my apartment look like???

Okay, Welcome to The Circle, those two blue buildings are only half of the complex.... Its not called a circle for nothing. Its quite groovy really, we have an amazing team of concierge (24hrs) an awesome roof top, from where most of my photos come from and all sorts of shops on ground level. Then there is my room. I haven't got a great photo but in the one above my bed is the colourful one (of course) and I share a room with two other girls. Its not as crazy as you think. I'm hardly home except to sleep and change clothes. This is more a storage area/ recovery station for me. The people I live with are constantly changing. Everyone has been nice so far, only a few bat shit crazy people to deal with but thats just life in London. Unless you are filthy rich and boring as hell, you are stuck living in small spaces with people from all over the world....
How about the view???

Have a look out my window... ever since moving to London I have watched them build The Shard. To say I am in love with it is an understatement, I couldn't be more amazed and proud of this building if I had built it with my own two hands. At the risk of rambling I have decided to say no more about The Shard at this point in time, instead I'm going to do a whole post about it later on. The second photo is of Tower bridge, The Gherkin and the City, taken from my roof. I live very centrally and am privy to awesome light shows on the Bridge and the man-made beauty of lit up sky scrapers after the sun sets each evening... I am so lucky it hurts!
What is the most recent photo I have of myself???
eugh. ok i guess ill show you a selfie from this afternoon's photo session on the rooftop... just so you don't forget what I look like haha
Last day out/ night out/ activity???
Minnie and I had our I Hate Valentines Day breakfast at her home in Herne Hill, London. She is an au- pair here and I am so grateful to have another Aussie partner in crime here in London. You might remember Min from Dungoona. She also played a bogan teen from the wrong side of the tracks and we've been mates ever since! Anywho, back to the breakfast- I must admit we did very little 'hating' towards valentines day. We were more interested in the amazing meal we were enjoying. I cooked pancakes (terribly at first) and Min made scrambled eggs with yummy mushies in olive oil. There was also her amazing banana and blueberry thick shake. Nutella and Strawberries for the pancakes and Beetroot Relish for the eggs/ mushies. WHAT AN AMAZING BREAKFAST IT WAS!!
we capped off the day with a walk around her neighbour hood, some future travel and event planning and a cuppa/ bowl of wedges at her local cafe. Great day indeed :)
What are my plans for 2013???
okay, so if you know me, you know that I'm always planning. Always 6 months ahead. Always know where I'm going next... Well. This year is different.. so far, at least.
This year I've only a vague idea of where I am heading and I'm none to happy about the direction :(
2013 is the year of the snake, the year of my 21st and the year that my working visa here in the UK expires... something I am deeply upset about. You see I love London. I love my friends here, my home, my new job, the city, the buildings, the skyline, the transport. Everything. I have worked really hard to create a home here, and that is something to be immensely proud of. Proud and protective. They say that if you have found somewhere you feel to be your place in the world, then you should fight tooth and nail to stay there. I however will not be staying here unless I can a) begin a university course or b) marry a British national. funnily enough option B appears to be the easier of the two choices. To pay for a Uni course here in London i would need to pay twice my yearly wage for one year at university alone. And a degree here would cost me 4.5 times that of the dame degree in Australia.... yep. make's your heart sink doesn't it. But fear not loved ones. Where there is a will, There is a way... And if not. Ill be coming home to Australia September 2013. And that is in no way a bad thing. I miss Dad, I miss Mum, I miss Jeremy, I miss the family, the friends, the sunshine and I miss my old life. It would just have been so much nicer if my old life and my new one could have merged...
Great way to finish the post Emily, with everyone feeling like crud...
cheer up guys, here are the things I'm looking forward to doing this year...
- Adventuring around London- The Royal Chelsea Flower show, Buckingham palace, more messy nights out on the town, Free live music, sun baking on my roof top in summer, Harry potter Land!!! and much much more
- Short weekend trips in the UK; Bristol, Brighton, Blackpool, The cliffs of Dover, Tewkesbury (don't snicker, its for the medieval festival in the summer), Giants Causeway/ Belfast and The isle of Skye (The ancestral home of Clan McLeod!!)
- Having a great time with my lovely friends over here. Meeting new and interesting people.
- Taking lots of photos and videos with my new video camera (thanks dad, love you)
- Going out on a high- That sad but exciting day where I leave London for the last time and visit Avinash in Mumbai, India, on my way home to Australia.