Friday, October 8, 2010

home away from home

Dont be fooled. This lady is tiny. I was expecting this grandiose statue. but alas. i missed her the first few times :)
Het Brug
Stom Brug! :) the main bridge into town, i swear it is up everytime i have to go somewhere! especially when im taking wende to school/ gymnasteik/ spelen.
I ride over this at least 10 times a day. Im going to start waving to the controller soon. or flipping him off if he keeps raising it :)
Het Station. 
Mondaag and Donderdaag i have my Nederlands les in Sneek. Its half hour by train. half hour of hell with the little kids going to school. sometimes i might get lucky and sit with the uni students. doesnt happen to often as the lazy sods catch the later train to Leeuwarden. The big smoke with my favourite art stores.
The draw card of Stavoren- the site of the train crash :)
a few months ago the train did not stop at the station, which is the end of the line- instead it plowed through the store infront of the station. the first train crash in the Netherlands in how ever many years. put this little town back on the map haha
Main drag.
two pubs, three cafe, one hippy store, op shop, vis and patat store, supermarkt, tourist shop, art store, ice creamery and local hangout, school, only ATM in Stavoren, bike store and two churches.
it may sound like a lot. but most of these stores open at 10 am and close at 5, they arent open sundays and because its such a small town, everyone goes to lunch 4 and 5 times a day. to network for their business of course :)
The other street. used mainly to get to the main drag. Cafe/ Bar Max is the only attraction here (see below)
Cafe Max
There is a parrot behind the bar, he sings and dances, you can order patat, coffee, tequila while you listen to old school spanish reggae, blues, jazz and hip hop played on the antique grammar phone. You can play pool, billards, poker and darts. or you can stand and repeatedly flush the broken toilet a million times. it really pays not to break the seal here. haha.
its dark and dingy, the walls are canvas with a dutch landscape painted ontop. The atmosphere is totally relaxed and the regulars are upwards of 65.
so far its one of my favourite hangs :)
Herfst- Autumn
The towns quite pretty atm, the leaves are changing colour and falling quite fast. its a pity that its always overcast (ryhme not intended) haha
This brug... served as the most entertaining part of mine and Virpi's (the Finnish au Pair) day out on sunday. we rode backwards and forth trying to find something to do. Sunday is my least favourite day. If im not with the family, there is literally nothing to do. its like everyone hibernates. even the teenagers retreat to some unknown corner of Stavoren. My mission is now to spice up my Zondaag's. I went and bought spray paint and a whole heaps of 4 euro Tshirts. i plan to be the best dressed person here by next weekend :)
The beach....
rendered me speechless for all the wrong reasons haha. 
its quite relaxing to walk out to the tip of the breakwall and watch the ships sail out. This is the Ijlsemeer and not the sea so there are heaps of huge pirate looking ships and luxury cruisers and oil ships that sail past. on sunny days its quite nice to watch them all. And just on the other side of Stavoren, in front of de Potvis (Barber and Sanders resturant) there is always Kite and Windsurfers. Ive even managed to score some free lessons in summer time. I cant wait :)
Marina Stavoren-
Home of Strandpavijlion de Potvis and the Crossontarie.
This isnt the marina out my back door. (yes i have a marina out my back door, and the option to use the heated zwemmen pool whenever i like)
There are maybe 4 or 5 marinas in town. Every man and his clogs has a marina haha

As the year progresses there will be more photos. More undiscovered gems... i hope :)