Monday, October 25, 2010

my knuffle: 
Knuffle- lit. hug and/or childrens cuddle toy

All three of the kiddies i look after have a knuffle, Baby Rinse has a small and very cute soft peice of material with different fabrics sewn on the edges- to stimulate the tactile sense. Annemijn has a pink clown doll with a long hat of the same material, although its considerable worse for wear as she chews on the end when she is scared. Wende has a giant hond. Its incredibly cuddly :)
The point of this story is that I too have a knuffle. My mumma sent it to me. Its just a handtowel, but its blue and smells of her. It feels like a mumma cuddle. You know that special cuddle only mummas can give and it makes you feel like you just melt into her and all her love makes the world go quiet around you.
Well i now have a smaller version of that in my Knuffle, it sleeps on my pillow next to me. It makes me feel safe when the wind knocks tree branches onto my roof. 
sometimes i forget how much of a kid i still am. We all have our weak moments where fear makes us doubt our strength and ability to continue on our adventures. Being afraid of the dark i used to get homesick at night in my caravan.
But not anymore, now that i have my knuffle. i feel like im home again :)