Friday, October 8, 2010

Warns Pole Sit

The town next door (Warns) hosts its anual pole sit just down the road from my house. Basically a pole sit is a bunch of farmers; each sitting on a pole sunk into a canal for 70 hours. They sit day and night, rain or shine and the prize is 1000 euros. For that kind of money id be willing to... actually. no i wouldnt haha.
I was really excited to see these guys do their thing because i knew it would be the event of the year. So after he finished work my host father Sander took me along with him and some of his employees. I couldnt fathom why he kept confirming that i could drive. He asked if i would drive the whole 15 meters home. Naturally i agreed. i was keen to drive on the otherside of the road haha.
When we arrived at the Pole sit at midnight i was greeted with the sight of a huge tent and music blaring.

What Sander forgot to mention was that tonight was the Disco and that everyone within a 100 mile radius was making an appearance haha. The night was HILARIOUSLY fun. Everyone was interested in the new Australian girl, everyone wanted to buy me a beer. the beer had the Biggest head i have ever seen on it! talk about gross haha. i saw my host father dance, i had a long conversation with one of the boys on the urinal before i realised what he was doing and stumbledd inside to dance.
i ate Searing Hot Patat Friets (potato chips) with mayo without thinking and had to live with ulcers and blisters for a few days. I managed to create a new drink a mix of warm beer and flat coke, everyone kept telling me that 'the things you do in down under are strange'.
Apparently i appologised to a complete stranger for mistaking him for a woman. This i am told did not go down well. And after 6 hours of complete madness. My host father and i managed to stumble home. thanks to one of his empolyees who carried him for the last part.
To this day (about 2weeks later) people still stop me in the street and ask how i pulled up the next morning. all i can say is better than my host father :) one of the best nights in a long time haha