Tuesday, September 21, 2010

confused? i am.

i dont know about anyone else. but in my life i always aspire to be better, to do something new, to re-invent myself, to try new things. but where does this inspiration stem from? Mostly from my books, magazines, tv, movies, news and on a grander scale. the world/ people around me.
BUT what annoys and moreso confuses me is that of all the images we are subjected to- of all the images we process. Things like this are deemed worthy of our aspirations :(
it annoys me that some of the most amazingly beautiful and animated people fall into the way of being fake- they buy the right clothes, there wear the fake tan, they cake on make- up. THEY BECOME A CARBON COPY OF SOMEONE THAT IS PAID TO BE PRETTY and YET IS STILL DIGITALLY ALTERED.
i wish more people were like Patch Adams. Happy, a little bit odd. But mostly brave enough to be different, to follow what they believe and to do good for others. i wish more people were concerened about something other than the face staring back at them in the mirror.