Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 3: Budingen after school

Budingen is the town where kirra goes to school. She has her favourite cafe there, i forget what its called but its a lovely vintage cafe with fake witches all through out it :) we sat in the comfiest lounge and i had a Caffe Machiatto with Bailey's in it haha. alcohol at 11 in the morning? only in Europe! haha.

we walked around for a while just taking in the old buildings built in the 1400's. we had a look in a few shops and the chocolate factory! Yum YUM! we then had to meet Kirras Host sister Katha who was taking me back home while Kirra finished school. halfway to the parking lot i noticed these mini plaques on the pavement. Kirra explained to me that you find them all over Germany, they are dedicated to the people from the town that were taken to concerntration camps. it was incredibly emotive. pondering on the fate of these poor people. things like this are real here, not just a part of history.