Friday, September 17, 2010

Life in Stavoren

Ive been in Stavoren for 5 days now. and life here is much the same as wauchope. Its a small town, everyone waves to you as you drive by and everyone knows your business. ive had people stop me in the street and talk to me like they've known me forever. everyone knows about the de Vries' auPair haha.
The family are very warm and welcoming. i feel at home already. The towns are in the Friesland Province, which was its own country until a few years back. They have there own language and flag and are very proud of there heritage. Most of the towns around here relied on the fishing industry to survive, however now they are largely more tourist based. In summer hundreds of toursists flock here for watersports. wind surfind, kite boarding, leisure cruises, sailing and the quaint little towns.
Im yet to try any of these... but its only a matter of time.
I have my own bicycle. and Yes. it is a cliche as they come. but i love it :) everything is close by and mondays and tuesdays i will attend a language class in Sneek- a larger town half hour away. ive already discovered some art supply shops, a place to develop photos and a shop called The Sting- with my kind of fashion: band shirts meet classic jeans and cutesy dresses.
i tell you the fashion in europe is a big deal. everyone looks 'fierce' as they say in meangirls. and they look it all the time. i feel a bit like a country bumpkin with my casual clothes and converses. but i plan to bring back the Casual haha.
Its cold here now. not as cold as it gets. but think winter time australia. thats there autumn here haha. hopefully it will snow more than rain this year. my fingers are crossed for a white christmas. but its The Netherlands, ive been advised rain is more commen than not. :)
anyways i miss you all and i cant wait to update you with more happenings. This weekend we are off to a family members birthday party and then i have an outing in Delft- near Den Haag. Im very excited.