Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Kirra's 19th Birthday

Happy Birthday to the lovely Kirra Anderson... boy did we celebrate haha. There was 5 or 6 cakes, cookies, 2 different slices, endless coffee, salads, breads dips and fish. I couldnt get enough! Kirra's extended host family are so lovely and many of them spoke english which was a bonus. The above cake was made my Sophia. the loveliest girl you will ever meet. when i met her she said to me: 'I will speak in english for you to understand'... what an angel! :)
Earlier this day i had been at school with Kirra for the first time. It was crazy to see all these nice Fiats, Mercs and other cars in the parking lot. No Bombs! haha. and then there was the fashion, EVERYONE was perfectly attired, neat hair and faces. not like me who used to put my hair up and brush my teeth as my school attire haha. We had to Role play in English for the book the class was reading, and i go the task of being the father of kirra's child. apparently i was abusive and had to look morose about something haha. not my best angle for sure!