Thursday, September 30, 2010

Artis Zoo- Amsterdam

Artis Zoo is the oldest zoo in The Netherlands. It was built in the 1800's on the outskirts of the city and thanks to urban sprawl the Zoo today stands in the centre of the city. For Oma Eda's birthday the Family and i took her on a family outing. It was a lovely warm autumn day and the kids had the day of school. The zoo has undergone huge refurbishment but they original parts have been turned into a museum, an aquarium and a permanent Darwin exhibition.
before we started our wandering we stopped for lunch and i had a traditional dutch cuisine. PANKCAKES WITH BACON AND CHEESE :) my oh my i love living here haha.
They also drizzle syrup and sugar all over the pancake and then fold it and cut it into bite size peices. I must admit it improves the taste 10 fold haha. But this was not the most exciting part of the day. not by far.
we walked around looking at all the exhibits and laughing as i tried to pronounce the names of all the animals when we came upon my new favourite animal!!!
These guys are too cool!!! they  walk like the swamp rats out of Princess Bride haha. kind of between a waddle and a shuffle :) AND they carry their babies on their rumps. I mean whats not to love hehe
Next stop was the aquarium where i found this cool cat. i felt sorry for him cause the other fish wouldnt go near him :( poor lonely fish.

 Also in the aquarium bulding was the darwin exhibit. it was quite interesting although a little unnerving. The exhibit mainly featured on the early stages of Charles Darwins theory of evoloution because when Artis zoo was first opened it was originally plagued by artists sketching the animals but also by scientist and intellectuals attempting to learn more about the animal kingdom. the zoo'z primary function was actually as a place of learning with its huge libraries and study centres as well as a hall that was used for lectures and the odd shindig haha.
This is one of the exhibits, its all types of birds and lizards taxidermied and arranged according to size and colour and stuff. i really hope that they were fake. it was quite sad to see all these creatures like this :(

On a happier note haha by far the best part of the day was when we went to the girraffee exhibit. at first i was quite annoyed because it was feeding time and the girraffes left to go into a separate part of the exhibit. but then i discovered that i could go and watch them AND oh my god, i was so close i could have given the baby girraffe a butterfly kiss! i wanted to reach out and stroke his chest so badly. but i didnt because i knew it would scare him. gosh they were amazing! i was quite proud of my self restraint haha.
After my