Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Delft- home of the blue and white china that is so famous around the world. It houses two chruches- one on a lean haha. it houses the royal familys burial grounds and the other houses famous dutchies. The day was a get together of au pairs- a meet and greet whilst exploring a part of the country.
I managed not only to get lost a million times but i also managed to get three lovely south african girls lost aswell haha. i met so many lovely girls, Iris, Marian, Diana and Willemijn to name a few.
We had the chance to either Kickerbike (giant yellow Scooters) or Canal boat around delft waterways. I was in the group that got to go in the boats :) it was so relaxing and so interesting just to sail about. some of the bridges were over 500 YEARS old! and one bridge had even been converted into a house haha. talk about awesome. after our outing we went disco bowling- many of the girls had bowled only once before so we had a ball being silly and chatting about our host families and lives back home.
it is amazing how lovely these four girls are. i hope i get to seem them all again :)