Saturday, June 11, 2011

Bevrijdingsdag and

The 4th and 5th of may are special days in the Netherlands- the 4th of may is Nationale Dodenherdenking- Like our 11 november its the national memorial day for those dead in the wars. The day was a quite and reflective one for me, i walked through stavoren in awe of all the dutch flags flying at half mast for the fallen. I also saw the parade and par took in the commorative silence much to the amazement of the community. If only they knew how special ANZAC day is back home.

The 5th of may is the polar opposite of the day before- Bevrijdingsdag marks the day that the Germans left The Netherlands, stealing bikes, cars and anything the moved as they retreated back home. The day is celebrated by going to uplifting music festivals and having a good old time. I dont think too many people realise the significance of their freedom at being allowed to have a good day out, especially when thinking about how controlled and regulated the lives of the Dutch were during WWII.

Mike and I went to the music festival in Leeuwarden where we met lots of friends and had a great time listening to funky jazz bands, it was not so fun having to crowd onto the train home a 9pm and listening to the young ones talk crap in another language- somehow people talking shit is even more annoying in another language than i ever could have imagined.