Saturday, June 11, 2011

joint birthday party

In Stavoren, a town so huge you would hardly believe that there were five or possibly more of us with our birthdays all within two weeks. Apey, Gerrit, Virpi, Cees and myself were all growing old around the same time and we decided to throw a joint birthday party.
Virpi and I didnt much mind about the guest list or the beer brand or even the food that would be available our only pre- requisite was that we were going to dress up and celebrate our birthday with a little bit of humour... and so we did.
I went as Minnie Mouse and Virpi went as a cat. We also brought along a Snow white wig for the birthday boys to wear in turn. At first everyone was very shocked to see our outfits, but our night in shining armour apey and his lovely sister came to the rescue both donning the wig and laughing along with us.
Virpi, Apey aka Jelle and I, those drinks are not all ours either. haha

The night passed in a blur, my mentality being 'god im 19 soon, lets get down with it' and drinking my corona's too fast (courtesy of barber for whom i was working the whole weekend, apart from a few hours on this night). Virpi and I also dressed the towns statue in my bikini- shocking i know- after we heard the lively debate about how boring she had become and if it would be better for the tourism to liven the town up... so we did. because we love stavoren, and didnt the vrouwtje look hawt! haha.
Me, Vrouwtje and my Bikini= priceless

My night ended with me riding my bike home a little wobbly and not seeing a table in the middle of my caravans lawn. My lovely neighbours decided that after having a bbq they would leave the dark wooden table in the middle of the grass to clean up in the morning. I who ride through there almost everyday thought nothing of riding home without a light and i have not made such a silly assumption since.  The table provided me with a quick stop and a muddy dress. And i think i lay on the ground for a few minutes wondering what had happened before jumping up, grumbling about cleanliness and a shared lawn and climbing into bed ready to begin work in a few hours.

But do not fear loved ones. The germans were very understanding about me not seeing the table and we are now all fast friends on account of my ridiculous adventures :)