Saturday, June 11, 2011


Mike suprised me by taking me to a new forest one day after work. It was a nice warm day and we were going to see a war monument for two men who were lead out into the field and killed for unkown reasons. As macarbe as it was to ponder on what they must have been thinking whilst wandering the same path we were it was so fantastic to be out and seeing the fresh new leaves and smelling the rain on its way.

Mike then took me to Sloten, one of the eleven cities in the Elfstadentoch iceskating race. We had no idea how to get there so we randomly drove through small farming towns until we saw a sign pointing us the right way. One of the biggest things i love about my life here is driving past all the quaint houses with perfect flower gardens and flat green fields as far as the eye can see.
I was so happy by the time we reached Sloten that i didnt think the day could be any nicer but wandering through the town was just beautiful. As per usual on a tuesday everything was closed except the local cafes and fish and chip shops. The biggest thing i enjoyed however was all the childrens artworks displayed in the house windows. almost one to everyone house. Mike and I shared a plate of chips and then went home for a yummy dinner and a movie. Such a nice way to end a work day!
(the pictures in the windows were almost in every house we passed, my curiosity defintely got a work out wondering about all the artists in this little town)