Saturday, June 11, 2011

koninginnedag 2011

Koninginnedag & konininnenacht are celebrations of the Queen and nation. It is usually held on the queens birthday however the current queens birthday is in the middle of winter and as no one likes to move from their homes in winter it was decided to leave the date of the public holiday on her mothers birthday for the good of the nation. Little bit of trivia, right there!

The celebrations are similar to that of Australia day, wear the national colour (orange) and don the flag in anyway possible. Then proceed towards the music and canals with a beer in hand and you have yourself a fantastic day off work!
Virpi and I tripped down to amsterdam for the day- we were told that it was a crazy idea because of how budy it gets but i was so excited for crowds and music and fun that i spent 6 hours on a train for 4 hours of revelry in 'The Dam' as Amsterdam is so fondly known.

Virpi and I arrived, bought ourselves some crazy sunnies at one of the road side stalls (today is also the day people flock to sell their old junk to the drunken passers by)- we then headed right into the crowd and jumped on a canal cruise to check out the parties along the way. It was so much fun, The water was filled with boats, the boats were filled with people and beer and giant speakers with every kind of music playing, during the traffic to pass through the canals we danced with the other boats and took in the sights.
After a bit more walking round/dancing virpi and i headed home on the train falling asleep thanks to the night before's dancing and partying in Leeuwarden.
Picturesque canal, Traffic jam and impromptu meeting/ party/ dancing centre all in one!