I was very lucky to receive a frog prince statue which i got to kiss and make a wish upon, a beautiful delft blue bag hanger, a lovely smelling soap set, a crazy orange cowboy hat for the coming Koninginnedag and a 100 euros towards my future travels! I felt very lucky especially when Wende remembered that my favourite disney character of all time is Ariel the mermaid and so she made me a card with her on the front.
We also managed to squeeze in some pancakes before Mike, Virpi and I headed off to Harlingen for the day.
Mike was so lovely that he took me to the beach so i could smell the salt water, it didnt smell like home but the thought was so lovely that i was happy to have him all for myself.
We walked through the Harlingen centre stopping in shops and taking in the sites while eating icecreams before we made our way to Leeuwarden.

Harlingen is all about the boats, the canal houses and the beach, its the ferry point for the friesland islands and on the otherside of the Ijselmeer Lake meaning its salt water baby! sometimes if the wind is blowing the right direction, the sea salt from just off the coast is carried to Stavoren. It the best smell in the world :)
Here we met up with Joanna and we all had Mexican, played pool and went to the movies as a final treat for the day. I was so happy that night when i blissfully fell asleep in my wonderful boyfriends arms, who by the way, treated me for all of the day out and supplied the wheels for the journey! Arent i lucky :)

Mike and I being silly and our mexican dishes. Big and spicy just the way i like it!