Saturday, June 11, 2011

My day trip to Workum

Since arriving in the Netherlands i have wanted to trip two towns over and a measly 30km round trip to Workum and see the Jopie Huisman museum- Jopie was a man born and bred in the surrounding areas and a fantastic artist and collector of trinkets. His artworks are all very familiar coming from the surrounding area and as such i was not content with just flipping through books, i wanted to see the works for myself.
 Workum centrum

I decided to ride my bike to Workum and make the most of the warm sunny weather- I had one euro in my pocket after paying off my bills for the winter and i was determined to prove that i could have a fantastic day out on so little money!
So thats exactly what i did.
I rode my bike against the wind and took along my lunch plus water bottle. I stopped first in a small coutryard in the middle of workum where i sat and ate an apple. It was here that i met the loveliest cat with half a tail who kept me company and ate my apple core when i left.
 My new friend, with only half a tail the cheeky devil!

I loved riding through the countryside towards the town centre. All the baby lambs and cows in the grassy green fields, the tulips blooming and sun shining. It really was a picturebook sight.
 view from a  much needed pit stop under a shady tree
Now that i was in Workum i discovered that the museum wasnt open for another hour which wasnt a problem at all, i took a walk along the street and looked into all the cosy little decor shops. It was also great to discover a little bit of street art amongst the hidden alleyway and with the backdrop of a grassy field. I also stumbled upon another hidden gem, an antique store devoted to collecting local art and every book under the sun. If only i could have had everything for my future library!
 The netherlands is very big on art, every town has at least 3 art galleries or workshops. My kind of place eh :)

Once at the museum i took my time walking around, rediscovering my passion for art and remembering all the critical terminology from my HSC days.
After a few hours of wandering i bid the lovely curators goodbye and rode home- again agaisnt the wind which hadnt as i had hoped changed for the better.
I felt quite proud and very tired after my marathon bike ride lol and i dont think anyone shall think any less of me for having slept right through the afternoon and long into the night after getting home and showering.

I was especially proud that all my efforts cost me 74 cents, for a postcard. Im defintely in love with the frugal lifestyle!