Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Nights out: Tenacious D- Live at the Brixton Academy

Then: Summer 2012

Every once in a while you need to do something crazy. Something out of character and something that falls in to the grey area of good behaviour... Well that once in a while for me was when i arrived at work one night to have Mateusz tell me he had spare tickets to Tenacious D in Brixton at 7pm. He asked if I wanted to go. And despite the fact that I was meant to work until midnight I said "Hell YES", then made sure the team at work was ok.ish and pretended to be sick to go home early.... yeah. Home haha.
Instead I ran all the way to the Oxford Circus tube station (no mean feet in my killer heels) and hopped the line to Brixton where Mat was waiting to whisk me away to The Brixton Academy. Once through the doors the excitement began to build!

We met up with our mutual friend Mariusz and his lady friend and then we danced the night away. Tenacious D were insane. 2 hours of good songs and great stage antics. Jack Black came out with a toy saxophone at one stage and 'sax-synced' a song for the audience. Too fucking cool haha! There was also some cool opening band from L.A. whose lead singer had a huge fro and balls to match, He gave the front row of the crowd 2 milliseconds notice before stage diving into the poor unsuspecting onlookers. Talk about laugh haha. Kudos to you kid.
But the fun and the funnies didnt stop there! Oh no. We were treated to hours of entertainment on stage and it was great to see the level of audience involvement when we all had to call Kenny back after he and Jack Black had a lovers tiff onstage.

Also I know many of you are probably wondering about what exactly that thing is on stage. Let me explain. I mean Tenacious D's new album was called 'Rise of the Phoenix' and believe it or not that giant penis shaped thing was supposed to be said phoenix, we had it from the mouth of Jack Black himself. And we believed him until the final song when the "phoenix" ejaculated 'Cumfetti'- their words not mine (no really the confetti strips had it written on there) and it 'deflated'. Leaving us believing the show was over. But oh no! It was not over yet. See the phoenix's wings? Yeah well after the phoenix retreated back to its dormant position you got a full view of the stage and what was clearly a giant Vagina (please dear god are my parents reading this?). From which Tenacious D burst out of for a final encore performance leaving everyone in stitches and slightly grossed out. I mean i get it rise of the phoenix, rebirth- the human bodies reproductive organs. Its beautifully metaphoric. In a very Jack Black and Kenny G kind of way :) Insane night guys! Thank you Mat and Mariusz..