Monday, March 4, 2013

Sam's Gig

Now: Feb 2013
Meet Sam. Sam is one of my best friends. Its hard to explain how much he means to me. So being brief ill say this. Sam and I worked together at the Marylebone Hotel. He is amazing. We are two parts of a trio- the third part being Torben. And words cannot do justice to the amount of fun, love and support we share as friends. So moving on from the mush. Sam is a great singer and guitar player and Monday night he had a solo gig at a place called the Rattlesnake in Islington. I have known Sam since moving to London and despite all my best efforts to see him perform with Jimmy the Squirrel (before he left) I'd never seen him play before... And I am effing kicking myself for missing out. Sam was amazing (not too amazing if you are reading this, don't go getting a big head). He had such an amazingly clear voice and his lyrics and covers were divine. I was blown away and would have loved to stay longer to just gush compliments at him but I was up early for work and I wanted him to enjoy the moment with his lady friend (who is totally gorgeous- lucky bastard). So Monday night watching Sam was wonderful, despite me getting lost and barging into the venue almost disrupting sound checks a second time after calling him to find directions a first time. haha. I am super excited to see him play again :) (but not too excited if you are reading this haha)
The trio on a day out in London! Torben, Emily and Sam- despite it being freezing (see our scarves and jackets) Sam had his glasses on because it was sunny. He got very narky about all our British and sunshine jokes. so i thought id bring it up again now because we love him so much :)