Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Walking home from work when....

Now: March 2013

Walking home from work today I decided to make the most of the sun and walk via the Tower of London (riverside) up to Tower Bridge. Its an atmospheric and touristy thing to do and I was feeling quite swell. What with all the vitamin D floating about I figured it would be a great way to cap off my first day back at work after being sick.... wrong Emily.
The access path was blocked off by a couple of official looking gents- they were kind enough to refuse me entry and lessen the blow by telling me that there was a film being shot along the road today...
"OOOOOOOOOH" I exclaimed before slowly moving back towards my usual route home. I actually didn't care too much about the prospects of seeing the film being shot, I figured it was probably stock footage for some lame telly add. Wrong again Emily!

As I began walking along tower bridge I came across a group of lads with one of the most ridiculous cameras I've ever seen. I mean who here has seen the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' where Johnny Depp and  Captain Barbosa take turns in pulling out larger and larger telescopes? Well after seeing this dude's set up I half expected Jack Sparrow himself to pop out of nowhere and unsheath his incredibly large yet collapsiable telescope. I had a bit of a giggle and then poiltely asked what was being filmed.
Turns out THE Muppets were being filmed here and I was just in time to have my childhood shattered as I saw Kermit the Frog emerge in the midst of a prostate examination... Just kidding guys, I swear this blog is kid friendly... I just mean that, well... Turns out this charismatic frog is just a puppet after all :(

From this angle everything seems to be as per normal and I was actually pretty darn excited to see Kermit in person! I used to love watching him and Miss Piggy in the muppets movies and to see him moving about behind the window of this car was pretty surreal! And then something terrible happened ladies and gents. 'Kermit' stepped from behind the car and revealed himself to be nothing more than a puppet on the end of a man's arm. I gasped out loud. It was then that I realised that even though I knew Kermit to be a puppet, a part of me never really believed in all that grown up nonesense about make believe and play acting... I just let myself be taken in by the magic of movies and always believed that somewhere out there Kermit and the Gang really were off on their adventures.
It was all at once very exciting and very sad to see Kermit in real life. I was chuffed I had gotten to see this piece of movie magic in the making, I mean people must have been hanging about the bridge all day for a good glimpse of Kermit and I just happend to walk up right at the opportune moment... With a small smile on my dial I decided it would be best not to dwell on the little bit of childhood I had just lost and so I walked off toward home. But not before being blown a kiss by a well dressed old mate on a yacht passing underneath the bridge. Guess he too was feeling that summer feeling in the air today. It looks like summer 2013 is shaping up to be an interesting one indeed. Even if Kermit isnt real :)