Saturday, March 2, 2013

where to now?

I have finally finished my first memories of London posts. It was enjoyable writing all about it, less enjoyable reading the finished product (was i always this shoddy at writing?) and panic laden trying to locate photos i was positive i had hidden somewhere (turns out they were memories). If I am honest I want to keep writing and writing until everything I have ever seen and done here in London is recorded here for you to see. Realistically however I have a few issues with doing that. You see I live a very full life here in London, what with work, friends and all my adventures I am astounded that I find time to sleep and eat most days. And I am so bloody grateful that I am able to live like this, the tricky situation however is that I am doing things at a faster rate than which i can record them at. Now i have a personal philosophy (one of many hair brained ones haha) And its this- I believe that should you choose to keep a record of your life like I do, you should be living at a rate where you are simply having too much fun to be able to record it regularly. This is how i have been ever since moving to London. I have been out and about so often that i think, if i were to write about my experiences chronologically I would do them no justice what so ever. The longer i wait to write about something, i forget many small and important details and trivialities that warrant remembering. So i have come up with the notion of writing  in a 'Now and Then' way. I will write about things happening to me and also continue to work on things that have happened. It will hopefully be more interesting to read, more efficient and regular and I believe i wont view my blog as a tedious day journal. Fingers crossed this works. And if you don't like it. Jog on... haha
A way for you to keep up with the to-ing and fro-ing is to check the top of the post. Ill lable them with a Then or Now.  and the date or season if i can remember. That way you know roughly when things are taking place.

So you don't get bored, I've included two photos taken on my way home from work on the 28/02/2013 from Tower Bridge.