Monday, March 4, 2013

Reading in the back yard...

 A sunny day walking home from work when i stopped to snap this pic, there is now a huge building here and the view has been blocked :( what a shame.

When the sun is shining and i don't want to stray to far from home i head down to 'my back yard'.
'My back yard' is actually the Tower Bridge Park and there is always something to see and do down there. Summertime sees live performances, out door theatres, filming for music videos and all other sorts of cool things happening on the grassy knoll where i like to sit and read in the sun. Its a great place to be and it just so happened that on this day i would be privilege to see the tower bridge raise up and pass a visiting warship through. It was quite a spectacle and there was a moment or two when i thought i was about to witness tower bridge be taken out by the ships tall antenna, but lucky the old girl survived to tell the tale. Check out the cool photos :)

The large ship being tugged along through the Thames. With a nice view of the city and the tower of London in the background.
Finally after a slow journey the ship is under the bridge and out the other side! No mean feat when you consider the size of this thing. I mean it had a bloody helicopter on the deck! amazeballs!